Favorite Ballets: Jewels

In which I discuss a ballet I hope to see one day: Jewels.

Nebula costume by BeBaGo (EtsyFacebookInstagram)

Nebula helm by Carol Datura Riot (EtsyFacebookInstagram)

Disclaimer: I’m in no way affiliated with the Royal Ballet or Royal Opera House and are not driving any benefit from talking about them.

Jewels Recommended Links

Streaming on Marquee TV (Mariinsky Ballet)

Playlist of behind the scenes, making, and clips


2017 Long Rehearsal* (1 hour 11 minutes, 2017, Sarah Lamb, Steven McRae, “Rubies”; Marianela Nuñez, Thiago Soares, “Diamonds”)
Rubies* (6 minutes, 2017, Sarah Lamb, Steven McRae)
Diamonds* (8 minutes, 2017, Marianela Nuñez, Thiago Soares)

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