A couple months ago, one of my favorite artists, Karen Hallion, posted a call for writers to help with a project she was putting together. I was intrigued to say the least. I’ve long enjoyed Ms. Hallion’s work (I have her Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman prints above my closet). So I sent her an email.
When I found out it was for the upcoming She Series book, I was ecstatic. I love the She Series of portraits! When I found out I would be writing the entry for Emily Dickinson, I just about burst into tears. Emily Dickinson was one of my main inspirations for becoming an author. I have always found comfort in her word, but especially after I came out as aromantic asexual and I was told by a mentor that if I were actually asexual, then I wouldn’t be able to be a writer or any kind of artist. Emily Dickinson was a woman who lived on her own terms, who was a writer and did it without marrying. And now I was going to write an entry on her for a book that thousands of young girls would read.
I was also able to write about Cleopatra, a woman whose legacy has unfortunately been overshadowed by the men she happened to sleep with. Cleopatra who was one of the most brilliant politicians of her time, who led a fascinating life and accomplished so much in her short time. It was thrilling to get to read about her again, almost like reuniting with an old friend over tea.
The She Series Kickstarter launched today and I could not be more excited about it:

Within four hours, it reached its initial goal and now they’re trying to meet the stretch goals. I’m among 50 truly incredible authors contributing to this book and I really cannot wait for people’s reactions to this book when it’s released.
This is truly a dream come true for me. I never thought I’d be writing something for an artist I really admire, much less about personal heroes of mine.
If you’re able to, please contribute to this campaign. There are some really fantastic rewards being offered and this is going to be such an amazing book.
Donate here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/celara/the-she-series-book
Thank you!