My most recent interview with August McLaughlin of Girl Boner Radio (always love chatting with her). Please check it out! :) A common definition of asexuality is an ongoing lack of sexual attraction. Since connecting with Lauren Jankowski, a badass ace activist and writer, I’ve learned a ton about…
Writing the Other Master Classes
Hello all! I have a very special signal boost today and I am so incredibly excited. I’m honestly giddy and I have been waiting forever to share this: I’m teaching a seminar in September! :-D It’s part of the Writing the Other series and I literally cannot believe I’m writing…
Where are the Asexual Voices Presentation I gave my presentation entitled "Where are the Asexual Voices" at C2E2 this past Friday. I'm not going to lie, I was terrified. I was positively terrified about giving this performance (and had a couple of near chickening out moments in the week leading up to the convention).…
“Embraceable” Now Available in Paperback
Hello all! Long time no speak. I'm still quite busy working on book five of The Shape Shifter Chronicles, but I'm taking a break to share some exciting news. As of today, you can now get Embraceable in paperback. Here's the link: To celebrate the release, the wonderful woman…
“Embraceable” is now Available
Embraceable, the anthology I have an essay in, is now available on Kindle. There will also be a physical paperback released eventually. Edited by the fantastic August McLaughlin, this is a phenomenal anthology and I could not be happier to be a part of it. Here's the official summary from…
EMBRACEABLE Cover Reveal and an Opportunity for Bloggers!
Source: EMBRACEABLE Cover Reveal and an Opportunity for Bloggers! Sometimes in life, you meet people who change your life (hopefully for the better). August McLaughlin is one of these people for me. We met when August stumbled across my Twitter account. She was interested in asexuality and of course, I'm a…
Announcement: Pack of Aces
Hello all! I do apologize for being absent lately. Between conventions and my activism, I've barely found time to sleep. But, dear readers, all of you are still in my thoughts. And I promise to resume chapter commentary very, very soon. I'll also be starting work on my fifth novel…
“Haunted by the Keres” Chapter Three Commentary
WARNING! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS! This post will make much more sense if you’ve already read the novel. Help out a little indie author and pick up a copy of her book (or books). You can find them on Amazon, CreateSpace, Smashwords, or my personal online store. Hello again, beloved…
Asexuality and a Naked Conversation on #GirlBoner Radio
I'm still working on chapter commentary, but I've also been dedicating hours and hours into Asexual Artists. Here's an interview I gave recently on the topic.
“Haunted by the Keres” Chapter Two Commentary
WARNING! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS! This post will make much more sense if you’ve already read the novel. Help out a little indie author and pick up a copy of her book (or books). You can find them on Amazon, CreateSpace, Smashwords, or my personal online store. Hello again, beloved…