Category: Cosplay

Favorite Ballets: The Winter’s Tale

[embed][/embed] In which I discuss my all-time favorite ballet: The Royal Ballet’s production of The Winter's Tale. Wanda Maximoff costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Wanda Maximoff helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Disclaimer: I’m in no way affiliated with the Royal Ballet or Royal Opera House and are not driving any…

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Favorite Dancers: Edward Watson

[embed][/embed] Discussing another one of my absolute favorite dancers: Edward Watson of the Royal Ballet Wanda Maximoff costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Wanda Maximoff helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Disclaimer: I’m in no way affiliated with the Royal Ballet or Royal Opera House and are not driving any benefit from…

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Introduction: Wanda Maximoff

[embed][/embed] The introduction to week six's character: Wanda Maximoff, a.k.a. the Scarlet Witch. Wanda Maximoff is one of my recent favorite characters. I really connected with her experience of grief, as I discuss in this video. Wanda Maximoff costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Wanda Maximoff helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram)…

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