*This is the collected recommended links from all the Ballet Marvel posts. I recommend bookmarking this post because I will update it when I add two characters to the project. (Special thanks to my best friend for helping me curate the ballet links. Seriously, she found pretty much all the…
Tag: asexual
Ballet Marvel Bow
7 characters. 7 weeks. When I first started putting Ballet Marvel together, my idea was to make it a fun project to help me overcome my discomfort with having my picture taken (I explained a little more in depth in the intro post to the project). It's funny looking back…
Ballet Mantis Bow
Thus concludes Mantis week. What a great character to end on :) Special thanks again to Pom Klementieff (Instagram) for bringing this fantastic character to life and showing that emotions can be a real strength, even a superpower. Thanks to James Gunn (Instagram) for doing such a phenomenal job directing…
Favorite Ballets: The Nutcracker
[embed]https://youtu.be/c5MjTQcMB_4[/embed] In which I discuss another ballet I really enjoyed: The Royal Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker. Mantis costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Mantis helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Disclaimer: I’m in no way affiliated with the Royal Ballet or Royal Opera House and are not driving any benefit from talking…
Making Ballet Mantis: From Page to Reality
Mantis was a really fun character to figure out a ballet interpretation of. The design changed a little from the initial preliminary sketch. Originally, Karolina designed this costume with leggings. However, when making the costume, she found the leggings to be visually boring and decided to scrap that idea and…
Mantis Photoset 2
"Telepaths know thoughts. Empaths feel feelings. Emotions." ~ Mantis, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 "[Mantis touches Drax and starts laughing hysterically] I've never felt such humor!" ~ Mantis, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 Mantis costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Mantis helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram)
Favorite Dancers: Anna Rose O’Sullivan
[embed]https://youtu.be/ME27wS4unts[/embed] Discussing another one of my absolute favorite dancers: Anna Rose O'Sullivan of the Royal Ballet Mantis Costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Mantis Helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Disclaimer: I’m in no way affiliated with the Royal Ballet or Royal Opera House and are not driving any benefit from talking…
Mantis Photoset 1
"The crabby puppy is so cute. He makes me want to die!" ~ Mantis, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 "If I touch someone, I can feel their feelings." ~ Mantis, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 Mantis costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Mantis helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram)
Introduction: Mantis
[embed]https://youtu.be/kGXE4vxlY6M[/embed] The introduction to the final Ballet Marvel character: Mantis! I adore this character so, so much and I am thrilled to have a cosplay of her. Look at my antennae!!!! Mantis costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Mantis helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) As mentioned in the video, thank you…
Wanda Maximoff Bow
That's a wrap on Wanda Maximoff week! She was a fun character to cosplay. Next week is the final week of Ballet Marvel. I can't believe we've already reached the end of this huge project. It feels like it just started yesterday. I'm going to miss this. Special thanks to…